This piece, entitled "Teeth", is a short film shot entirely in black and white. It begins with an extreme long shot of a lake, (the location of the film). Then, as the film continues, the shots get closer and closer for the first few seconds, to draw the viewer into the scenario. Mostly medium shots are used throughout the film. Yet when one of the men's teeth fall out of his mouth and onto the boat, a high angle shot is used, revealing the old man's point of view. Then the viewer observes the teeth falling into the water, due to the use of a low angle. When the fish is being reeled in, a close up of the other man's hand is shown to display his movement. There is also use of a close up when he puts the teeth into the fish, creating a humourous image. Once again, a close up is used to show the one man putting in the other man's teeth.
This short film was beautifully executed, as a result of the various shots used, but especially due in part to the framing. Even though both men sit with their backs against one another in the film, the viewer is still able to view both men without anything in the way. For instance, when one old man's back is towards the camera, the viewer can see the other man's frame. All the shots prove to be strategically filmed.
Yet the only alteration that could have been made was use of more extreme long shots, simply to display the natural beauty surrounding the men. Additionally, the close ups at the end of the piece could have been lengthened a bit more. For instance, the quick shots of the fish wearing the teeth, and the ending shot of the old man's expression could have been longer in order to intensify the humor of the situation even more.